Beth studied Osteopathy in Australia completing her 5 year undergrad degree in 1997 and then worked for several years in central Melbourne and rural Victoria. An opportunity then arose to purchase a multi-disciplinary clinic back in Beth’s home town of Christchurch NZ and she seized the chance to be involved in the running of a large clinic and headed home.
During this time Beth completed a post-grad diploma in Pain Management with the Otago University Medical School as well as working with the professional body organising conferences.
5 years later Beth sold the practice and headed to Europe to broaden her horizons, quite literally! She spent 18 months living in Spain and doing regular locum work in the Channel Islands whilst working on her application for registration with GOsC in the UK. This involved much paperwork and then a Final Clinical Competency exam, much the same as the one she had taken 10 years previously prior to graduation- it was no less nerve racking second time round!!
Beth was soon offered a job at the Haslemere Clinic and not long after joined the Centre for Complementary Medicine in Petersfield where she has now been practicing for 12 years.
In 2009 Beth completed her MSc in Paediatric Osteopathy just prior for the arrival of her own first child. This involved working for two years at the prestigious Osteopathic Centre for Children in London. More information on their wonderful work can be found here
As a Paediatric Osteopath Beth understands the different phases of growth and development specific to childhood and develops a treatment plan accordingly. Children are not just mini adults!
A Paediatric Osteopath can utilise a wide variety of osteopathic technique and is not limited to Cranial work although this gentle approach may be most applicable depending on the clinical situation. Beth has done extensive post graduate training in cranial osteopathy
Life’s journey led Beth to an avid interest in the importance of breastfeeding and she has since completed a certificate in Breastfeeding (120 hours) to help her better understand and support the unique needs of the breastfeeding family.
Dedicated to lifelong learning and holistic health care most recently Beth has completed the foundation course with Institute for Functional Medicine with plans to utilise this knowledge into better supporting patients with complicated pain and fatigue issues
Functional medicine is also known as ‘root cause’ medicine because the practitioner is looking to find the deep underlying reasons for the current presentation and understanding how someone’s health has gotten to this point, at this time. The basis for change is lifestyle intervention with dietary recommendations, stress reduction and exercise advice sometimes with the addition of supportive supplements.
You can find out more here:
Beth juggles family life with husband Ben and two small boys with 3 busy days in clinic. She has a truly unique set of skills to help you and your family back to their best health.